Sunday, October 5, 2014

On the Road

When asked to describe life living out of suitcases, I would have to say this.

For all the places you go, people you meet and fun you have, it is totally worth it.
Yep, it's hard to drive 12 hours some days and stay in a different hotel every night, but it's so fulfilling!

Some of the questions I've been asked while on the road are these: 


What's it like living out of suitcases?

 It's tough, but it could be a lot tougher! :) Having 6 people in a minivan gets pretty crowded, so we tow a small trailer behind it for our instruments, suitcases, etc.

Hanging out with nephews and nieces :)

Do you get tired of driving?

Yup. At first it was especially hard doing "nothing" all day, but now, once we start driving, I sort of forget about it and do other things, like reading or listening to music! :p

Do you fight with your siblings, being so close together for so long?

Sometimes. We all understand that it's easy to get frustrated or annoyed with each other in such a tight space, and it's really drawn us all closer. If someone else annoys us, we basically just let it chill and forgive.


What kind of places do you visit and see?

Tons of things! We went to an amusement park last month, and I was able to ride a roller coaster for the first time, something I've always wanted to do!! :D We also visit different places that we're nearby, like national parks and things like the Creation Museum in Petersburg KY. We did that 2 days ago!

Hanging out in a hotel room!

My family has been on deputation for 2 months now, and I am so looking forward to being back home in just two more weeks! YAY!! :)

Broomball with Peeps



I thank the Lord though, for all the awesome meetings he's given us and all the amazing places we've been able to go to! I'll definitely miss a lot of things about traveling!

Have a great week, peeps!


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